Test method of activity for oxidizing sulphuric dioxide into sulphuric acid catalyst
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces HG/T 2089-2007 “Test Method for Activity of Catalysts for Oxidation of Sulfur Dioxide to Sulfuric Acid”. Compared with HG/T 2089-2007, the main technical changes, except for editorial modifications, are as follows:
—Revised some reference standards in normative reference documents (see 2, 2007 version);
—Revised some of the content in sampling (see 5 of the 2007 version);
—Added content for safety tips (see 6).
—Revised some of the experimental steps (see 6 of the 2007 edition).
This standard is proposed by the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Chemical Catalysts Subcommittee of the National Chemical Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC63/SC10).
The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard have been released as follows:
—HG1-1202-1979、HG/T 2089-1991、HG/T 2089–2007.

1. 范围 Scope
This standard specifies the test method for the activity of catalysts for the oxidation of sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid.
This standard is applicable to the sulfur dioxide oxidation to sulfuric acid catalyst that oxidizes sulfur dioxide to Sulfur trioxide in the Contact process sulfuric acid production process.
2. 规范性引用文件 Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For undated references, the latest version (including all modification orders) applies to this document.
GB/T 601 化学试剂标准滴定溶液的制备
GB/T 603 化学试剂试验方法中所用制剂及制品的制备
GB/T 6003.1 试验筛 技术要求和检验 第一部分:金属丝编织网试验筛
HG/T 2086 二氧化硫氧化制硫酸催化剂
GB/T 601 Chemical Reagents – Preparation of Standard Titration Solutions
GB/T 603 Preparation of formulations and products used in chemical reagent test methods
GB/T 6003.1 Technical Requirements and Testing of Test Sieves, Part 1: Woven Metal Wire Mesh Test Sieves
HG/T 2086 Catalyst for Oxidation of Sulfur Dioxide to Sulfuric Acid
3. 原理 Principle
Sulfur dioxide and oxygen in the air generate Sulfur trioxide under the action of catalyst from sulfur dioxide oxidation to sulfuric acid. Use iodine standard titration solution to absorb and measure the volume fraction of sulfur dioxide in the gas before and after the reaction, calculate the conversion rate of sulfur dioxide, and characterize the catalyst activity. The chemical reaction equation is as follows:
4. 试验装置 Test device
4.1 流程 Steps
The schematic diagram of the activity test device for sulfur dioxide oxidation to sulfuric acid catalyst is shown as follows in Figure 1.
图1 二氧化硫氧化制硫酸催化剂活性试验装置示意图
Figure 1: The schematic diagram of the activity test device for sulfur dioxide oxidation to sulfuric acid catalyst
说明 Explanation::
L —混合瓶 Mixing bottle
2-l~2-4 —转子流量计 Rotameter
3-1,3-2—三氧化硫吸收瓶 Sulfur trioxide absorption bottle
4-1,4-2 —反应器 Reactor
5-1,5-2 —水封瓶 Water sealed bottle
4.2 主要性能 Main Performance
The main performance parameters of the activity test device for catalyst of sulfur dioxide oxidation to sulfuric acid are shown in Table 1.
项目 Item | 参数 Parameters |
反应器中反应管的规格Specification of reaction tube in the reactor/mm | Φ36ⅹ2 |
反应器的等温区长度Isothermal zone length of the reactor /mm ≥ | 50 |
系统压力 system pressure | 常压 Normal atmospheric pressure |
温度 Temperature ℃≤ | 750 |
平行性极差值Parallelism range value /%≤ | 1(高温型High temperature type) |
2(低温型 Low temperature type) | |
复现性极差值 Reproducibility range value/%≤ | 1(高温型High temperature type) |
3(低温型 Low temperature type) | |
a 反应器等温区长度的测定按附录A的规定。 The determination of the length of the isothermal zone in the reactor shall be in accordance with the provisions of Appendix A. |
表1 活性试验装置主要性能参数 The main performance parameters of the activity test device
4.3 校验 Verification
Under normal circumstances, the parallelism and reproducibility of the experimental device should be measured at least once a year using reference or retention samples, and the measurement method should follow the provisions of Chapters 6 and 7.
5. 采样 Sampling
5.1 实验室样品 Laboratory Samples
按HG/T 2086的规定取得。Obtained in accordance with HG/T 2086.
5.2 试样 Sample
Take an appropriate amount of laboratory samples and measure their bulk density according to Appendix B.
5.3 试料 Test materials
According to the bulk density of the sample, weigh 30mL of the corresponding weight of the sample to the nearest 0.1g, and prepare for use.
6.试验步骤 Test steps
Warning: The raw gas and exhaust gas (including S02 and S03) involved in this standard have toxic, flammable, and explosive hazards to human health and safety. It is necessary to strictly prevent system leakage, and open flames are strictly prohibited on site. Necessary fire extinguishing equipment and exhaust equipment should be equipped as preventive measures.
6.1 试料的装填 Loading of test materials
Place a stainless steel support tube at the bottom of the reaction tube in the reactor, add a stainless steel sieve plate, and adjust the processed particle size Φ5mm-Φ6mm ceramic ball is loaded into the reaction tube, compacted, and filled to the position determined during the determination of the isothermal zone. Add a stainless steel sieve plate on the ceramic ball layer, carefully pour the catalyst sample (5.3) into the reaction tube, gently tap the tube wall to make the catalyst bed layer tightly packed, and measure the loading height of the catalyst bed layer. Then add a stainless steel sieve plate on the catalyst bed layer, and finally add an appropriate particle size of ceramic ball Φ5mm-Φ6mm and Gently tap them tight, seal it with a stainless steel sieve plate, tighten the reactor nut, and conduct a leak test on the reactor. If there is no air leakage, connect it to the system, and then conduct a leak test on the system. Only if there is no air leakage can the test be conducted. Insert the temperature thermocouple into the thermowell so that its hot end is located 5mm away from the catalyst bed at the gas inlet.

注: 反应器和瓷球常用热水清洗,以除去酸腐蚀物。
Note: Reactors and ceramic balls are often cleaned with hot water to remove acid corrosion.
6.2 升温耐热 Heating and heat resistance
The reactor is electrified and heated, with a heating rate of approximately 200 ℃/h.
When the temperature rises to 200 ℃, air is introduced and the airspeed is about 3600h-1. When the temperature rises to 350 ℃ (low-temperature type) or 400 ℃ (high-temperature type), sulfur dioxide is introduced to make its volume fraction about 10%. Continue to heat up to 600 ℃ (low temperature type) or 700 ℃ (high temperature type) for heat resistance test. After 5 hours of heat resistance, cool down to the activity detection temperature at a rate of 200 ℃/h.
6.3 活性的测定 Determination of activity
6.3.1 耐热后活性的测定方法 Method for determining activity after heat resistance
After the reactor cools down, stop feeding sulfur dioxide and air, and replace the sulfuric acid in the Sulfur trioxide absorption bottle. The high-temperature type can be operated according to one of methods a) and b), and the low-temperature type can be operated according to method b).
a) 立即恢复通入二氧化硫和空气,调整并保持反应器温度为485℃、原料气空速为3600h-1(空速校正参见附录C)、二氧化硫的体积分数为10.0%士0.1%,待条件稳定至少2h后,开始分析进出口气体中二氧化硫的体积分数,并计算其转化率。以后每隔1.5-2h分析1次,当3次连续分析二氧化硫转化率的极差值≤1.0%时,可以停止试验。
a) Immediately resume the introduction of sulfur dioxide and air, adjust and maintain the reactor temperature at 485 ℃, feed gas space velocity at 3600h-1 (see Appendix C for space velocity correction), and sulfur dioxide volume fraction at 10.0% ± 0.1%. After the conditions stabilize for at least 2 hours, start analyzing the volume fraction of sulfur dioxide in the inlet and outlet gases, and calculate its conversion rate. In the future, analysis will be conducted every 1.5-2 hours. When the range of sulfur dioxide conversion rate for three consecutive analyses is ≤ 1.0%, the experiment can be stopped.
b) The reactor is insulated overnight, and air and sulfur dioxide are introduced the next day. Adjust and maintain the reactor temperature at 410 ℃ (low temperature type) or 485 ℃ (high temperature type), feed gas space velocity of 3600h-1, and sulfur dioxide volume fraction of 10.0% ± 0.1% to meet the requirements. After the conditions stabilize for 2 hours, start analyzing the volume fraction of sulfur dioxide in the inlet and outlet gases, and calculate its conversion rate. In the future, the analysis will be conducted every 1.5h-2h. When the range of sulfur dioxide conversion rate for three consecutive analyses is ≤ 1.0% (high-temperature type) or ≤ 2.0% low-temperature type, the test can be stopped.
6.3.2 耐热后二氧化硫体积分数的测定
Determination of volume fraction of sulfur dioxide after heat resistance 试剂 Reagent 碘标准滴定溶液: =O.1mol/L,按GB/T601的规定制备。
Iodine standard titration solution: =O.1mol/L, prepared according to the provisions of GB/T601. 淀粉指示液:10g/L,按GB/T603的规定制备。
Starch indicator solution: 10g/L, prepared according to GB/T603. 测定步骤 Test steps
Measure 10.00mL of iodine standard titration solution ( into a test tube (approximately 50mL in volume), add 2-3 drops of starch indicator solution (, and add water to 2/3 of the test tube. The solution turns dark blue. Connect the test tube to the rubber stopper with capillary tube. After confirming the sealing, adjust the sealing liquid in the gas gauge to make the liquid level rise to the “O” scale. Open the gas analysis cock and allow the gas to pass into the test tube. Control the gas flow rate not to be too fast. The endpoint is when the color of the solution in the test tube changes from blue to colorless. Stop ventilation, read the volume of residual gas in the gas measuring tube, and record the values of the chamber temperature and atmospheric pressure at that time. The gas volume value is accurate to one digit.
6.4 试验结束 End of Test
After the test is completed, first cut off the power supply of the reactor, close the sulfur dioxide valve, continue to cool the reactor to near room temperature with air, and stop the air flow.
7.结果计算 Result calculation
7.1 活性以耐热后二氧化硫转化率E计,按公式(1)计算:
The activity is calculated based on the conversion rate E of sulfur dioxide after heat resistance according to formula (1):
In the equation:
φ1- Volume fraction of sulfur dioxide in the inlet gas of the reactor, expressed in%;
φ2- The volume fraction of sulfur dioxide in the outlet gas of the reactor, expressed in%.
Take the arithmetic mean of three consecutive measurement results as the measurement result; The range value of the three measurement results should be ≤ 1. O% (high-temperature type) or ≤ 2.0% (low-temperature type).
7.2 二氧化硫体积分数φ, 按公式(2)计算:
Volume fraction of sulfur dioxide φ,Calculate according to formula (2):
In the equation:
V0 – Volume value of iodine standard titration solution (, in milliliters (mL);
C – The accurate value of the concentration of iodine standard titration solution, in moles per liter (mol/L);
V – The numerical value of the volume of residual gas absorbed, in milliliters (mL);
F – conversion factor from gas volume in measured condition to gas volume in Standard state.
The calculation result is expressed to 2 digits after the Decimal separator.
7.3 测定时的气体体积换算为标准状态下的气体体积的换算因子f,按公式(3)计算:
The conversion factor f of gas volume in Standard state converted from the measured gas volume is calculated according to formula (3):
In the equation:
P – The numerical value of atmospheric pressure during measurement, in Pascal (Pa);
PH2O -The numerical value of saturated water vapor partial pressure during measurement, in Pascal (Pa);
P0 – The numerical value of atmospheric pressure in Standard state, in pascal (Pa) (P0=101325);
T0 – The numerical value of Thermodynamic temperature under Standard temperature and pressure, in Kelvin (K) (T0=273);
T – The numerical value of Thermodynamic temperature of room temperature during measurement, in Kelvin (K).
The calculation result is expressed to 4 digits after the Decimal separator.
附 录 A Appendix A
(规范性附录)(Normative Appendix)
Determination of the length of isothermal zone in reactors
A.1 在反应器的反应管的底部垫上筛板,装满粒度为Φ5mm-Φ6mm的瓷球,敲实,再用筛板封口,拧紧封头螺帽。将反应器接到活性试验装置中,并将热电偶插入热电偶套管内。 Place a sieve plate at the bottom of the reaction tube in the reactor and fill it with a particle size of Φ 5mm- Φ 6mm porcelain ball, tap firmly, then seal with a sieve plate, and tighten the sealing nut. Connect the reactor to the activity testing device and insert the thermocouple into the thermowell.
A.2 将活性试验装置通电升温,升温速率约300℃/h。
Energize the activity testing device and raise the temperature at a rate of approximately 300 ℃/h.
A.3 当炉温达到410℃左右时,向系统通入压缩空气,空速为36ooh-1,待炉温稳定2h后,开始测定等温区。
When the furnace temperature reaches around 410 ℃, compressed air is introduced into the system with an airspeed of 36ooh-1. After the furnace temperature stabilizes for 2 hours, the isothermal zone is measured.
A.4 将热电偶插入热电偶套管内的适当位置,记下热电偶插入热电偶套管内的长度和相应的温度(即原点处的温度)。将热电偶沿热电偶套管向外拉,每拉出10mm,等l min左右,记录该点的温度,直至当热电偶拉出10mm、温度相差2℃以上为止。随后再将热电偶向热电偶套管内插入,方法同上,直到热电偶插到原点位置为测定1次。Insert the thermocouple into the appropriate position inside the thermowell, record the length of the thermocouple inserted into the thermowell and the corresponding temperature (i.e. the temperature at the origin). Pull the thermocouple outward along the thermowell, wait for about 1 minute for every 10mm pulled out, and record the temperature at that point until the thermocouple is pulled out for 10mm and the temperature difference is more than 2 ℃. Subsequently, insert the thermocouple into the thermowell using the same method as before, until the thermocouple is inserted to the origin position for measurement once.
A.5 按A.4的方法再重复测定1次,取2次测定的共同区间为该温度下的等温区。
Repeat the measurement one more time according to the method in A.4, and take the common interval of the two measurements as the isothermal zone at that temperature.
A.6 将反应器温度升至485℃左右恒温,待条件稳定2h后,按A.4、A.5的步骤测定485℃下的等温区。取410℃和485℃的共同区间作为该反应器的等温区。该区间长度即为反应器等温区长度,单位为毫米。等温区内的温度差值应不大于1℃,等温区的长度应不小于50mm。
Raise the reactor temperature to around 485 ℃ at a constant temperature, and after the conditions stabilize for 2 hours, measure the isothermal zone at 485 ℃ according to the steps in A.4 and A.5. Take the common range of 410 ℃ and 485 ℃ as the isothermal zone of the reactor. The length of this interval is the isothermal zone length of the reactor, in millimeters. The temperature difference within the isothermal zone should not exceed 1 ℃, and the length of the isothermal zone should not be less than 50mm.
A.7 若所测温度显示不出等温区,需将反应器拆下,调整电炉丝的疏密位置,然后重测等温区。
If the measured temperature does not show the isothermal zone, it is necessary to remove the reactor, adjust the density position of the electric furnace wire, and then retest the isothermal zone.
A.8 根据测得等温区的长度,确定反应器底部装填瓷球的高度和催化剂试料装填高度,计算出热电偶插入的长度。
According to the measured length of the isothermal zone, determine the height of the ceramic ball at the bottom of the reactor and the height of the catalyst sample, and calculate the length of the thermocouple insertion.
附 录 B Appendix B
(规范性附录)(Normative Appendix)
Determination of bulking density of catalyst samples
B.1 实验室样品的处理 Treatment of laboratory samples
B.1.1 条形样品的处理 Processing of Strip Samples
将条形样品处理成条长为6.0mm-6.5mm的试样。Process the strip sample into a sample with a length of 6.0mm-6.5mm.
B.1.2 环形样品的处理 Treatment of Circular Samples
将环形试样置于瓷研钵内破碎,再用孔径为3.35mm和4.00mm的试验筛筛分(符合GB/T6003.1中R 40/3系列),取粒度为3.35mm-4.00mm的试样。
Crush the circular sample in a porcelain mortar, and then sieve it with test sieves with pore sizes of 3.35mm and 4.00mm (in accordance with the R 40/3 series in GB/T6003.1). Take samples with particle sizes of 3.35mm to 4.00mm.
B.2 试样的堆积 Stacking of samples
Divide an appropriate amount of the sample into several parts and add them successively to a 250mL measuring cylinder (strip sample) or a 100mL measuring cylinder (circular sample). For each addition, the measuring cylinder needs to be vibrated up and down several times until the position of the sample inside the measuring cylinder remains the same as compacted. Repeat the operation until the compacted sample volume is 100mL.
B.3 试样的称量 Weighing of the sample
Weigh the weight of the compacted 100mL sample (B.2) to the nearest 0.1g.
B.4 堆积密度的计算 Calculation of Bulk Density
The bulk density p of the catalyst sample is expressed in grams per milliliter (g/mL) and calculated according to formula (B.1):
式中:In the equation:
m2 —量筒和100mL试样的质量的数值,单位为克(g); The numerical value of the weight of the measuring cylinder and 100mL sample, in grams (g);
m1 —量筒的质量的数值,单位为克(g); The numerical value of the weight of the measuring cylinder, in grams (g);
V —试样的体积的数值,单位为毫升(mL)。The numerical value of the volume of the sample, in milliliters (mL).
The calculation result is expressed to 3 digits after the Decimal separator.
Take the arithmetic mean of the parallel measurement results as the measurement result, and the relative error of the parallel measurement results should be ≤ 2.0%.
附 录 C Appendix C
(资料性附录)(Informative appendix)
Correction of flow rate of rotor flowmeter
C.1 将湿式气体流量计与转子流量计按图C.1接好。
Connect the wet gas flow meter and the rotor flow meter according to Figure C.1.
图C.1 湿式气体流量计流量校正装置
Figure C.1. Flow correction device for wet gas flow meters
说明 Explanation::
1—空气进气阀;Air intake valve;
2—气量调节考克;Volume regulation cock;
4—水压差计;Water pressure differential gauge;
6—湿式气体流量计;Wet gas flow meter;
7—放空. Venting.
Firstly, adjust the level of the wet gas flow meter, then unscrew the screw cap of the water level overflow hole and add distilled water to the wet gas flow meter. When water overflows from the overflow hole, stop adding water. Till the overflow hole is not overflowing, tighten the overflow hole nut.
C.2 根据催化剂试料装填量和活性测定空速(本活性试验方法中以空气代替含10%二氧化硫的原料气作校正转子流量计的介质),测得气体的体积流量Q,数值以毫升每分钟(mL/min)表示,按公式(C.1)计算:
According to the loading amount of catalyst test material and the activity, then measurement of space velocity (in this activity test method, air is used as the medium for calibrating the rotary flowmeter instead of raw gas containing 10% sulfur dioxide), the volumetric flow rate Q of the gas is measured, and the value is expressed in milliliters per minute (mL/min). Calculate according to formula (C.1):
式中:In the equation:
Sv —空速的数值,单位为每小时(h-1); numerical value of airspeed, unit: per hour (h-1);
Vcat—催化剂试料的装填量的数值,单位为毫升(mL); The numerical value of the loading amount of the catalyst sample, in milliliters (mL);
P0—标准状态下的大气压的数值,单位为帕斯卡(Pa)(P0=101325); value of atmospheric pressure in Standard state, in pascal (Pa) (P0=101325);
T—测定时室温的热力学温度的数值,单位为开尔文(K); value of Thermodynamic temperature of room temperature during measurement, in Kelvin (K);
P—测定时的大气压的数值,单位为帕斯卡(Pa); The numerical value of atmospheric pressure during measurement, in Pascal (Pa);
T0—标准状态下的热力学温度的数值,单位为开尔文(K)(T0=273)。value of Thermodynamic temperature in Standard state, in Kelvin (K) (T0=273).
Open the intake valve 1, and the air enters the wet gas flow meter through the rotor flow meter. Use the cock 2 to adjust the gas flow rate. Record the starting reading of the wet gas flow meter and start the stopwatch for timing. When the wet gas flow meter measures a certain amount of gas volume, press the stopwatch, record the time and termination reading of the wet gas flow meter, and calculate the gas volume flow rate. Adjust the gas flow rate and repeat the measurement until the gas volume flow rate reaches Q, and determine the scale position of the upper end face of the float in the rotary flowmeter.