Test method for single pellet crush strength of fertilizer catalysts
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces HG/T 2782-1996 “Determination of Crushing Resistance of Fertilizer Catalyst Particles”. Compared with HG/T 2782-1996, the main technical changes, except for editorial modifications, are as follows:
—Ribbed fertilizer catalyst in the scope of application is added (see Chapter 1);
—The sampling of Ribbed fertilizer catalyst is added (see Chapter 5);
—Added requirement for numerical representation of calculated results (see Chapter 7).
This standard refers to ASTM D 4179 2001 “Test Method for Crushing Strength of Formed Catalyst Particles”.
This standard is proposed by the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation.

This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Chemical Fertilizer Catalyst Subcommittee of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners (SAC/TC105/SC1).
This standard was first issued in April 1983, and was adjusted from a national standard to a chemical industry standard in May 1992. It was first revised in January 1996, and this is the second revision.
1.范围 Scope
This standard specifies the instruments, sampling, measurement steps, and calculation results for measuring the compressive crushing strength of fertilizer catalyst particles.
This standard is applicable to the test of the radial crushing force of granular catalysts such as strip, ring, ribbed, cylinder and the point crushing force of spherical particle catalysts.
2.规范性引用文件 Normative references
GB/T 6003.1 金属丝编织网试验筛 Metal wire woven mesh test screen
GB/T 6678 化工产品采样总则 General rules for sampling chemical products
3.原理 Principles
使用合适量程的智能颗粒强度试验机,取经过处理的单个试样颗粒再测量其长度后(球形除外),置于试验机样品平台 上至稳定不滚动,对其径向、球的点向施加压力,直至颗粒破碎,测得其抗压碎力。
Using an intelligent particle strength testing machine with an appropriate range, take the processed individual sample particles and measure their length (excluding spherical particles). Place them on the sample platform of the testing machine until stable and non rolling. Apply pressure to their radial and spherical points until the particles break, and measure their resistance to crushing.
4. 1 智能颗粒强度试验机的主要参数 Main parameters of the intelligent particle strength testing machine:
—量程 Range:(0~250)N,(0~500)N,(O~l000)N;
—精度 Accuracy: I 级 I class
—加力速度 Acceleration speed: (5~20)N/s.
4.2 测长仪(精确至O.02mm). Length measuring instrument (accurate to O.02mm)
5.采样 Sampling
- 实验室样品 Laboratory Samples
按化肥催化剂相应产品标准中的采样规定取得,无相应规定的按GB/T 6678中的相关规定取得。

5.2 试样 Samples
将实验室样品混合均匀,用缩分器或四分法分别取样约250g,条形、环形和梅花形样品按其产品标准要求,处理成相应长度且外形平直、两端面磨平;圆柱形样品按其产品标准要求,选用完整颗粒,球形样品按其产品标准要求,选用经过相应筛孔尺寸(符合 GB/T 6003.l的规定)的试验筛进行筛分的适用颗粒,将处理后的样品置于电热鼓风干燥箱中,在(120士5) °C 下干燥2h,然后置于干燥器中冷至室温备用。
Mix the laboratory samples evenly, use a divider or quartering method to sample about 250g respectively, and process the strip, ring and Quincunx samples into corresponding lengths according to the product standard requirements, with flat and straight shapes and smooth both ends; Cylindrical samples are selected as complete particles according to their product standards, while spherical samples are selected as suitable particles that have been sieved through a corresponding sieve size (in accordance with GB/T 6003. l) according to their product standards. The processed samples are placed in an electric blast drying oven, dried at (120 ± 5) ° C for 2 hours, and then cooled to room temperature in a dryer for later use.
5.3 试料 Test Sample
Take 30-100 samples from sample (5.2) and place them in a dryer for future use.
6.测定步骤 Test Steps
6.1 接通智能颗粒强度试验机的电源,预热20min。
Turn on the power of the intelligent particle strength testing machine and preheat for 20 minutes.
6.2 从试料(5.3)中取单个试料在浏长仪上测量其长度后(球形除外),将其侧放 于智能颗粒强度试验机的样品平台上直至稳定不滚动,开启智能颗粒强度试验机的工作按键, 试料逐步受力至破碎,用细毛刷清除样品平台上的碎片。重复该步骤,直至试验完成。
Take a single test piece from the test piece (5.3) and measure its length on a length tester (excluding a sphere). Place it on the sample platform of the intelligent particle strength testing machine until it stabilizes and does not roll. Turn on the work button of the intelligent particle strength testing machine, gradually apply force to the test piece until it breaks, and use a fine bristle brush to remove debris from the sample platform. Repeat this step until the experiment is completed.
6.3 一组试料测毕后, 用打印机打印出颗粒抗压碎力的测定结果。
After testing a set of test materials, print out the results of particle crushing strength measurement using a printer.
Note 1: In the process of measuring the crushing strength of particles, it is necessary to prevent moisture absorption of the test material from affecting the evaluation of the crushing strength of particles.
Note 2: When the intelligent particle strength testing machine is not equipped with a printer, it is necessary to record the length of the test material and the compressive crushing force displayed by the intelligent particle strength testing machine after the test material is crushed.
7.结果计算 Result calculation
7.1 径向抗压碎力F,数值以牛顿每厘米(N/cm)表示,按式(1)计算:
Radial compressive crushing force F, expressed in Newton per centimeter (N/cm), is calculated according to equation (1):
式中 In the equation:
The numerical value displayed by the intelligent particle strength testing machine during the crushing of the test material (excluding spherical particles), in Newton (N);
L –试料长度的数值,单位为厘米(cm)。
The numerical value of the length of the test material, in centimeters(cm).
The calculation result is expressed to one place after the Decimal separator.
7.2 径向抗压碎力平均值,数值以牛顿每厘米(N/cm)表示,按式(2)计算:
The average value of radial compressive crushing force, expressed in Newton per centimeter (N/cm), is calculated according to equation (2):
式中 In the equation:
Fi –第i颗的径向抗压碎力的数值,单位为牛顿每厘米(N/cm);
The numerical value of the radial compressive crushing force of the i particle, in Newton per centimeter(N/cm);
n– 一组试料测定的颗粒数
Number of particles measured by a set of test materials.
The calculation result is expressed to the integer digits.
7.3 点抗压碎力平均值,数值以牛顿每厘米(N/cm)表示,按式(3)计算:
The average valueof point compressive crushing force, expressed in Newton per centimeter (N/cm), is calculated according to equation (3):
式中 In the equation:
Fi –第i颗的点抗压碎力的数值,单位为牛顿(N);
The numerical value of the point compressive crushing force of the i particle, in Newton per centimeter(N/cm);
n –一组试料测定的颗粒数
Number of particles measured by a set of test materials.
The calculation result is expressed to the integer digits.
7.4 径向(点)抗压碎力的变异系数C.V ,按式(4)计算:
The variation coefficient C.V of radial (point) compressive crushing force is calculated according to equation (4):
式中 In the equation:
Fi –第i颗的径向(点)抗压碎力的数值,单位为牛顿每厘米(牛顿)【N/cm(N)】;
The numerical value of the radial (point) compressive crushing force of the i-th particle, in Newton per centimeter (Newton) [N/cm (N)];
–一组试料径向(点)抗压碎力平均值的数值,单位为牛顿每厘米(牛顿)【N/cm(N)】The numerical value of the average radial (point) compressive crushing force of a set of test materials, in newtons per centimeter (Newton) [N/cm (N)]
n –一组试料测定的颗粒数
Number of particles measured by a set of test materials.
The calculation result is expressed to 2 places after the Decimal separator.
7.5 低抗压碎力的颗粒分数η,数值以%表示,按式(5)计算:
Particle score with low crushing resistance strength η, The value is expressed in % and calculated according to equation (5):
式中 In the equation:
Nd –试料的径向(点)抗压碎力低于规定指标的颗粒数。
The radial (point) crushing resistance strength of the test material is lower than the specified number of particles.
n –一组试料测定的颗粒数
Number of particles measured by a set of test materials.
The calculation result is expressed to the integer digits.