Test method for attrition and abrasion of fertilizer catalyst.
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1, 2009.
This standard replaces HG/T 2976-1999 “Determination of Wear Rate of Fertilizer v2o5 catalyst“. Compared with HG/T 2976-1999, the main technical changes, except for editorial modifications, are as follows:
—Removed the balance and micro printer configured for the wear tester (from 4.3 to 4.4 in the 1999 version);
—Modified the drying temperature for sample preparation (see 5.2, 1999 version 5.2).
This standard refers to ASTM D 4058-1996 “Test Method for Abrasion Rate of Catalysts and Supports”.
This standard is proposed by the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Chemical Fertilizer Catalyst Subcommittee of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners (SAC/TCI05/SCI).

This standard was first issued in April 1983, and was adjusted from a national standard to a chemical industry standard in May 1992. It was first revised in April 1999, and this is the second revision.
1. 范围 Scope
This standard specifies the instruments, sampling, measurement steps, and result calculation for measuring the wear rate of fertilizer catalysts.
This standard is applicable to the test of the wear rate of fertilizer catalysts in cylindrical, strip, amorphous, ring, and spherical shapes.
2. 规范性引用文件 Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For undated references, the latest version (including all modification lists) applies to this document.
GB/T 6003.1 金属丝编织网试验筛 Metal wire woven mesh test screen
GB/T 6678 化工产品采样总则 General rules for sampling chemical products
3. 原理 Principles
Place the processed sample of a certain weight in the grinding cylinder of the wear tester, rotate it at a certain speed for a certain period of time, and the sample will wear and produce particles. After sieving and weighing, calculate the results of the wear rate measurement.
4. 仪器 Instruments
磨耗仪(配有机械筛分仪)的主要参数:The main parameters of the wear tester (equipped with a mechanical screening device) are:
—磨筒内径 Grinding cylinder inner diameter:Φ120 mm;
—磨筒长度 Grinding cylinder length:150 mm ;
—磨筒内挡板 Grinding cylinder inner baffle:1块,长150mm,高18mm;
—磨筒转速 Grinding drum speed:60r/min;
—磨转时间 Grinding time:30 min
5. 采样 Sampling
5.1 实验室样品 Laboratory Samples
按化肥催化剂相应产品标准中的采样规定取得,无相应规定的按GB/T 6678中 的 相 关规定取得。
Obtain samples according to the sampling regulations in the corresponding product standards for fertilizer catalysts. If there are no corresponding regulations, obtain samples according to the relevant regulations in GB/T 6678.
- 2 试样
将实验室样品混合均匀,用缩分器或四分法分取约250g,再用筛孔尺寸为850μm的试验筛(符合GB/T 6003.1的规定)筛分除去尘粒,将筛分后的试样置于电热鼓风干燥箱中,在(l20±5) °c下干燥2h,然后置于干燥器内冷至室温备用。
Mix the laboratory samples evenly, use a splitter or quartering method to separate about 250g,and then use a sieve size of 850μm test sieve (in accordance with GB/T 600 3.1)to remove dust particles. Place the screened sample in an electric blast drying oven, dry at(l20 ± 5)°C for 2 hours, and then cool to room temperature in a dryer for later use.
6. 测定步骤 Test Steps
6.1 接通磨耗仪的电源,预热20min,设置磨筒转速为 60r/min、磨转时间为30min、机械筛分筛频为4Hz、机械筛分时间为30s.
Turn on the power supply of the wear tester, preheat for 20 minutes, set the grinding drum speed to 60 r/min, the grinding time to 30 minutes, the mechanical screening frequency to 4 Hz, and the mechanical screening time to 30 seconds.
6.2 用细毛硬刷子清洁磨筒和磨筒盖的内壁,称取(100士l)g试样(5.2),精确至0.01g,将其轻轻倒人磨筒内,拧紧磨筒盖,然后置于磨耗仪的固定旋轴上。
Clean the inner walls of the grinding cylinder and the grinding cylinder cover with a fine bristled hard brush, weigh (100 ± 1) g of sample (5.2) to the nearest 0.01g, gently pour it into the grinding cylinder, tighten the grinding cylinder cover, and then place it on the fixed spindle of the wear tester.
6.3 启动磨耗仪的磨耗键,磨筒按预设的转速和时间运转。
Start the wear button of the wear tester, and the grinding cylinder runs at the preset speed and time.
6.4 磨筒停止转动后,将磨筒取下并用木锤轻轻拍打筒壁,使筒内试料聚集在筒底,轻轻拧开磨筒盖,将筒内试料全部倒入带有底盘筛孔尺寸为850μm的试验筛中(符合GB/T 6003.1的规定),置于磨耗仪的筛分箱内,启动筛振键,试验筛按预设的筛频和时间进行机械筛分,或进行手工筛分。称量筛分后试验筛筛上残余物的质量,精确到0.01g。
After the grinding cylinder stops rotating, remove the grinding cylinder and gently tap the cylinder wall with a wooden hammer to gather the test materials inside the cylinder at the bottom. Gently unscrew the grinding cylinder cover and pour all the test materials inside the cylinder into the sieve with a chassis size of 850μm test sieve(in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 6003.1), place it in the screening box of the wear tester, activate the screen vibration key, and perform mechanical screening or manual screening according to the preset screening frequency and time. Weigh the weight of the residue on the test sieve after sieving, accurate to 0.01g.
Wear rate W, expressed in %, is calculated according to equation (1):

The numerical value of weight of the test material, in grams (g);
The numerical value of weight of the material on the ground sieve, in grams (g).
The calculation result is expressed to one place after the Decimal separator.
Take the arithmetic mean of the two results as the measurement result, and the relative deviation of the two measurement results should not exceed 20%.